- View Larger ImageHow To Detox Your Body & Restore Mitochondrial Function – With Dr. John Lieurance
“Be Grateful For What You Will Recieve In The Future”
This episode is about why detox is so important and the best strategies for detox.
Naturopath & Chiropractic Neurologist has been in private practice for over 27 Years. Currently with Advanced Rejuvenation, a Multi-Disciplinary Clinic focusing on Alternative & Regenerative Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Chiropractic Functional Neurology, Functional Cranial Release (FCR), Lumomed, Lyme Disease, Mold Illness, and many other Neurological Conditions.
He is the Chief Scientific Officer of MitoZen Scientific, a cutting-edge healthcare technology company focusing on powerful delivery systems.
He is also the Founder of UltimateCellularReset.com, a web-based educational portal that sends weekly videos on health and wellness tools for overcoming disease, longevity, and vitality.
He’s contributed to and appeared on many media outlets and has been on the Documentary “Pain Revealed,” ABC 7 news, SNN news, and popular podcasts like Ben Greenfield Fitness and CellTV with Dr. Dan Pompa.
Author of Melatonin: Miracle Molecule is working on his second book on endonasal cranial therapy. Developer of Functional Cranial Release and taught as well as certified these methods to doctors around the world.
In this podcast, How To Detox Your Body & Restore Mitochondrial Function, we cover:
- Reducing stressors to detox and improve energy efficiency
- Detoxing through the nasal passage with NAD spray
- Why suppositories are better than oral medication for a detox
- The health benefits of methylene blue for cellular energy
- Learning to be grateful for what you already have
Reducing Stressors To Detox and Improve Energy Efficiency
Once we hit a limit of stress, the body will shut down. Ultimately, at a cellular level, we have resilience. This resilience is our ability to withstand inflammation to a certain extent before we shut down. The Warburg Effect is the effect of inflammation shutting down our energy production at a cellular level. Otto Warburg discovered that oxygen and cancer couldn’t coexist. When the cell makes energy with oxygen, there’s a robust effect. When the cell produces energy without oxygen, it’s only ten percent effective. Stressors are causing our cells to go into this inefficient way of making energy. If you can find the stressors and reduce them so your cells can make energy efficiently, you will have health and vitality the way you’re supposed to.
Detoxing Through The Nasal Passage With NAD Spray
Look at ways you can eliminate toxins. Do some toxin cleansing. Drainage is essential, and homeopathy can be one of the best routes. You want your body to get rid of these toxins. Rebounding, breathwork, exercising, and walking are essential to moving your lymphatics. Unfortunately, toxins get stuck in the liver, gallbladder, and gut. It’s challenging to get toxins out of the cell membranes. Many people will feel better when they address the sinuses in the nasal passage. Try a 30-day sinus protocol. Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) spray is excellent for detoxification, immune support, and inflammation support. Learn more about it here: https://bit.ly/3NNOQKS
Suppositories Are Better Than Oral Medication For A Detox
When you use a suppository, you bypass all the digestive enzymes and stomach acid. Stomach acid can be harsh on a lot of substances. Also, oral medications will have the first pass through the liver. The liver breaks a lot of nutrients down. For instance, the liver will break down melatonin, and you only get about 1.5% of absorption. An oral delivery route only gives you a specific window that the nutrients are available to the cell. Most supplements in pill form have an hour or less for the cell to pull things in. Unfortunately, the cells are pretty slow to pull those nutrients in. However, a suppository gives you an extended-release, allowing your cells more opportunities to pull those nutrients in. Overall, suppositories give you better results and are better for detox!
The Health Benefits of Methylene Blue For Cellular Energy
The body can heal itself; however, it will run out of energy eventually. So, it would help if you improved energy through biohacks like NAD, melatonin, and methylene blue. Methylene blue is antiviral. In fact, the first use of methylene blue was against malaria. If you have a stroke, methylene blue can protect the nerves from being injured. Every hospital has methylene blue in case of cyanide poisoning because it will protect the cells. Also, methylene blue allows your cells to make energy independent of oxygen. Methylene blue is a salt, and it is made synthetically; plus, it’s the first synthetic drug that the FDA approved. Sadly, there’s not a lot of money for companies to promote the benefits of methylene blue.
Learning To Be Grateful For What You Already Have
When we desire something, we’re putting out that you lack something into the universe. However, instead of putting lack out in the universe, we should be putting gratitude out there instead. Be grateful for what you have but also be grateful for what you’re going to receive in the future. Think about how you want to feel every day. For Dr. Mindy, it can be joy, connection, or playfulness. We should be more interested in how we feel throughout the day rather than manipulating the circumstances in our lives. It is much easier to be grateful when you make this mindset shift. Overall, our true nature is happiness and love. Learn more about the secret to happiness with Rhonda Byrne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtbQ-gSOji4
Dr. Mindy
I first have to say welcome back. I love talking to you, John. So thank you for coming.
Dr. John Lieurance
Oh, Mindy, I love talking to you, too. Thanks for having me.
Dr. Mindy
And what I love the most is you just don’t know where the conversations ever gonna go. So and that’s the greatest thing because there’s so much depth to your knowledge on all the topics around health.
Dr. John Lieurance
Yeah, thank you.
Dr. Mindy
Let’s, here’s, here’s a burning question that I think you’re gonna shed some really new light to. When I first started detoxing seven years ago, or about maybe about 10 years ago, when we started detoxing people, detox was very straightforward, or at least it appeared to be very straightforward. It’s not so straightforward anymore. And I feel like it’s a it’s because of this toxic world we live in. But also we have a lot of new tools. So do you are you finding in your clinic in your world that detox is more complicated now than it’s ever been? And that we need better tools than ever before?
Dr. John Lieurance
Yes, absolutely. And, you know, when I first got into medicine, I remember that there was some clinicians talking the same story as far as how much difficult how much more difficult it is to get patients well, I started out strictly as a, you know, a chiropractor and eventually became a chiropractic neurologist and then went back to school and became a naturopath. And so my path is just kind of continued to kind of expand. But in the, you know, in the early days, I do remember some of my colleagues that were just doing straight chiropractic would would say, hey, you know, I, particularly a clinician, his name is Michael Taylor. Are you familiar with Michael Taylor? No, Oklahoma. And so he, he started the first chiropractic internist, diplomat program, right. And he’s really amazing. And so I started taking his course, because I was interested in some of the laws that we were looking to change in Florida that would allow chiropractors to start injecting because I was interested in starting to perform prolotherapy and PRP because we were already doing it in our office with other clinicians. And so I took that course. And in the beginning, I remember really being very hesitant because I was in such a purist, as a chiropractor, I really felt like, you know, I wanted to just focus on removing those interferences to the nervous system through adjusting patient’s spine, and allowing that full expression of health and vitality to come forth with that skill. And and then I was hearing from a lot of these other chiropractors that have been in practice for many years that that’s just not working, you know, and they’re having to utilize things like IV nutrition and saunas and detox methods and a lot of different exotic healing modalities in order to get patients better. Whereas before it was a lot simpler.
Dr. Mindy
Yep. Yeah, I have been in so many chiropractic conversations like that of people who have been, you know, doing chiropractic work or body work in general for so many years. And everybody is saying the same thing. Like what used to work 25 years ago, with bodywork no longer works anymore, you have to bring in some ancillary strategies. So why do you think that is, is that purely toxins that feels like there has to be a bigger reason for that? Oh,
Dr. John Lieurance
it’s for sure multifactorial, and some of the more prevalent concerns that I would have would be the amount of toxic load that our patients are carrying. And that would be both the manmade chemicals, as well as the bio toxins that a lot of people are exposed to. And then when you start talking about things like mold, and lime, and Epstein Barr and some of these bugs, you have to bring in the conversation about how EMF is creating a much more very lint variety of these microbes, which may be compounding things. So you have a higher saturation of toxins, you have this more very latent infection. And so what does that what does that mean? That means that there’s going to be more inflammation in the body. And that inflammation is then going to cut down our cellular energy, which is then going to kind of compound the problem even further.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, and I think EMFs is a really good an interesting insight. And I want to dive into that because you have some cool strategies you’ve used to detox taking that into consideration. What I want to make sure that that doesn’t get lost is like my major message in life is the body heals itself. And you and I have both grown up in in the educational system through chiropractic and all our postgraduate work that believes that 1,000% in that, so? So when we look at what’s happening to people today, whether it’s parasites or Epstein Barr or heavy metals, like, why is the body not healing? Is it as simple as there’s just too much insult to going on? There’s too much physical stress, too much chemical stress, too much emotional stress. And then you put us in an EMF filled world and our bucket gets tipped.
Dr. John Lieurance
Yeah, well, you have to start talking about core misses when you start having this conversation and the hormetic window, and the hormetic ceiling. And so this zone that everybody’s able to function at before they hit this ability, this inability to adapt is really what we’re talking about. And so when we have several stressors converging in, that are stacking on to that, that that, that that system, where it’s bringing it closer and closer to the limit of adaptation. Once we hit that limit, then the body shuts down. And, you know, I really dove into this very deeply in the melatonin book, that we had a podcast before. And we talked a lot about melatonin. And we’re probably going to speak a little bit more about it today, because it’s so important with this conversation. Because ultimately, at a cellular level, we have a resilience, right? And so this resilience is our ability to withstand inflammation to a certain extent before we shut down, right. And so I listened to a really great interview with a colleague of mine, Russell, writer, he’s an MD and a PhD. And he was interviewed on Jelmer Colas podcast recently, and I’d recommend anybody going and listening to that, because it was it was really good. And what I loved about that interview, is that he really broke down this Warburg effect, which is the effect of inflammation shutting down our energy production at a cellular level. And where that energy happens is in the mitochondria. And so Otto Warburg was a scientist that discovered that, that oxygen and cancer can’t coexist. And that there’s this switching that happens when a cell hits that limit of adaptation, where it then switches into a much more primitive, anaerobic glycolysis is the name of the the way it’s making energy versus aerobic. So it’s with or without oxygen. So when the cell makes energy with oxygen, it’s a robust effect when it makes it without oxygen. It’s about 10% as effective. And so what happens is these these, these stacked stressors, are causing ourselves to go into this inefficient way of making energy. And he points out very strongly about how this is what happens with cancer, but what’s not recognized. And this is something that I’m going on to a lot of platforms aren’t really trying to preach is that this is happening with almost all diseases. And this is at the core of all disease. And that’s why your work with Dr. Pompe is work. Ben Azadi speaks a lot about this. It’s like we really are speaking the same language, we’re just maybe saying a little bit different. Whereas we’re really trying to help people that are listening to us, our patients in the office to find out, which how can they reduce these stressors, finding the stressor, reducing it so we can get that cell to start making energy efficiently, so that you can express your health and vitality, the way that you’re supposed to the way that God wants you to.
Dr. Mindy
So what I the way I understand what you just said is that when the cell gets overloaded with physical, emotional, chemical stress, those mitochondria start making a signaling molecule that tells all the other cells, hey, we’re in danger. Let’s shut down ATP production shut down all the natural detoxing of the cell. And so we go into the cellular danger response. And people get people can be locked there for years. And you can you could say, Okay, I’m not feeling well, I have Epstein Barr let me throw some supplements at it. But really, the root of this is to get to that core part of this cellular danger response. Is that what you’re talking about?
Dr. John Lieurance
Absolutely right, and looking for the most effective and efficient things to start doing. Because, you know, for people that are sick, you know, if people are listening to this, and they’re not feeling well and they haven’t for a long time, it can become very discouraging and despair ative and so getting some wins is really important. So I think looking at looking at your environment, looking at ways that you can eliminate toxins, doing some toxic cleansing, not too aggressive. Drainage, I think is really important often times when we first start working with patients, we’re looking at drainage. Homeopathy can be one of the best routes to do that, because you want your body to be like letting this stuff go, right? We do that through lymphatics I like rebounding, breath, work, exercising, walking. And these types of things are important to kind of move our lymphatics and kind of get that river versus a swamp, you know, I talk a lot about that swamp versus river. And so then what happens is, we start to trigger some of these things to detox, want to make sure we capture these things in the gut with different binders. And I know you talk a lot about that a lot of this stuff gets caught in the liver and the gallbladder and the gut, and we need to kind of mop that up. But the more difficult areas are the deep cellular structures, and this is really primarily in the cell membranes. And so this is usually something that I start with patients a little bit after the first month or so, usually, my initial strategy with patients is, is to start looking at some anti microbials, some gut parasite issues, some binders, but then one thing a lot of people aren’t really talking about that I think is really, really important. And I’m seeing a lot of people feel better. Pretty click quickly with this is is addressing the sinuses in the nasal passage, right. So having people do like what I call 30 days sinus protocol. And we like using a product called gluta stat, which has got oh yeah, emulsified oregano, sage, clove, bayleaf, glutathione, NAC, colloidal silver and some terpenes. So it’s really got a lot of stuff in there. So how people spray twice, and each saw each side. And do that four times a day for a month. If there’s more kind of concern for in the respiratory tract, I’ll have them nebulize that same product, but in a different form. And kind of go between the two.
Dr. Mindy
And why. Why is yeah, why the sinuses, you know, again, if I’m looking at somebody listening to the podcast, and they, they’re like, I’ve tried everything, nothing’s working. What, what and then we start to open up pathways, and then you go to what I hear is the second step is now let’s go to the sinuses. Why the sinuses?
Dr. John Lieurance
Well, I like to call it doorways, right? I’d say you have to care for your doorways and I look at the eyes, the nose, the mouth, you know, the intestinal tract through the the anus and so you have like probiotics and like dysbiosis that can occur in the gut there. But up in the head, you know, these are routes of inflammation. So it’s been highly documented that the oral gingiva and the health of the mouth can make a profound impact on the amount of inflammation that we have in the body. And gum disease or cavitations in the mouth. Can can trigger a lot of cardiovascular that can cause stroke can cause a lot of digestive complaints. And probably a lot of the people listening to this are going to have that as as a situation. So some of the easier places to kind of start with with the mouth, the nose and the eyes. We’ve we’ve created actually three products that that addressed these doorways, one of which we actually launched just two days ago, which is called Irie and all three of them are really interesting in the fact that they that they burn, right? So the gluta staff burning
Dr. Mindy
you like the burning products. It’s red.
Dr. John Lieurance
I do and I’ll explain why in a second. But, but the the gluta stat doesn’t burn like the Zen like we’ve talked about Zen it’s a meditation mist, but but the gluta stat does kind of have like a kick to it like a wasabi kick. The the eye drops the Irie is based on this Amazonian Arab that’s called Sanada. And so there’s a burn and there’s also peppermint in there. So and then with the mouth it there’s a product called Boca Xin Boca is is Spanish for mouth and it’s got primarily oregano, cinnamon and clove right, and it’s got some stevia and it kind of got some extra flavor enhancing. So you put a half a dropper in the mouth, you move the tongue all around the gums and then I’ll have my patients take a toothpick and push it all between and I have patients just leave this in their car and so on their way to work, they do the bokeh, then they do a couple of sprays. The eyedrops are more of something that you want to do when you’re sitting and you’re kind of silent. Now what’s really neat about these and the reason that the burning is important is because there’s something called your autonomic nervous system. And this is probably one of the most important parts of your nervous system that you that you can imagine because It’s what drives all of the healing in your body. Because it drives circulation, it drives your heartbeat, your digestion. It just controls your glands. And so it’s automatic. So it’s not under your volitional control, and there’s two sides to it. There’s a sympathetic and parasympathetic side. And the sympathetic is kind of that fight or flight. It’s a stress response, which is mostly mediated by cortisol. And then you have your parasympathetic, which is resting and digesting and relaxing, which is primarily mediated by melatonin. Okay. And that part, that’s the melatonin part, a lot of people don’t realize,
Dr. Mindy
right, yeah, that’s, that’s interesting, huh.
Dr. John Lieurance
And there’s also a whole idea behind this extra pineal melatonin. And that there’s most of the melatonin produced in the body is actually made in the mitochondria. And it’s in its existence in the mitochondria, to allow for that hormetic window that we talked about earlier, to extend out a little bit, meaning that we can handle a little bit more inflammation without shutting down. From from stressors. So So with regards to this burning with the, with the with the products, you’re stimulating something called the trigeminal nerve. And we’ve been hard wired to have this connection between the trigeminal nerve and the vagus nerve. Because if we were to fall into like freezing cold water, we have something called the dive reflex. And so our when our face hits a really cold fluid, we have this calming effect, it says we have a shutdown, our heartbeat slows, everything kind of slows down so that if we were in very cold water, we would be able to survive longer. So only the most important faculties kind of stay going at a slow pace. So what that means is that we can use that to actually exercise the autonomics primarily exercising the parasympathetic nervous system.
Dr. Mindy
Fascinating, because you know, I’ve become obsessed with my chili pad on my in my bed. And I love my room cold because it relaxes me. So I hadn’t realized that that was stimulating to the parasympathetic. So fascinating. So one of the things I want to go back to what you just said, when we approach detox, like, let’s just use, you know, a lot of the stuff you do is so different than your typical detox, which is why you get such great results. And yet, if somebody is really struggling with their health, what I heard you say is okay, let’s open up the lymphatics first, then let’s go and look at the nasal at those three things that you just said, Is it as simple as somebody can go get it off your website, they can start to use it. And now it’s another level of of detox that they’re going to experience? And are you going to see detox reactions? Or you’re gonna see like a, like, some kind of herx reaction?
Dr. John Lieurance
Well, yes, I let me there’s a lot there, I was. there that was packed with a lot of information there. So let me see if I can kind of dissect that out, when when you start doing if you have a lot of microbes. So the you know, if you think about this, a lot of people aren’t really practicing sinus and nasal hygiene. So when you start to spray something antimicrobial up there, you’re gonna have die off of things. And those things are going to then get into your system. That’s why you probably want a neti pot, and it really kind of cleared out, especially in the beginning. And so it is not uncommon for people to feel a little a little bad the first couple of days, and then afterwards, we’ll generally hear people come back saying that they feel anywhere from 20 to 30%. Better, just with that one strategy.
Dr. Mindy
That’s crazy. And that quick, pretty quickly, if they come back to you in a couple of days. That’s
Dr. John Lieurance
pretty typical. Yeah. You know, the other. The other, you were kind of asking about, you know, specific kind of protocols and strategies, you know, it’s, it’s really difficult for us to really put those things out into the public because of the regulations that are out there. So unfortunately, you know, you kind of have to be either like a coaching client of ours, or, you know, I know you do you see some people and, you know, Dan, Dr. Pompa has a wonderful coaching problem, product program as well. So those are probably some things that people are going to want to start looking towards if they’re really wanting to dive into some of these strategies.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, I’ve decided in order to get well these days, if you like, want to go into detox, you need somebody to lead you through it. It’s It’s hard when it’s like so close to you. And there’s like this whole underground like health movement, and I’m gonna like put you in that that category of really cool products. But we can’t because of the regulation because of the way social media works, we can’t talk about it or we get we get, you know, punished in whatever way, way that is so, but what I love about your products and talk a little bit about this is, you know, I hear a lot from people like they’re tired of taking supplements, and then I hear from other people or other professionals, supplements don’t work because you’re going directly into the gut dysbiosis. And you’re going into, you’re putting a nutrient into a dysfunctional gut. But what I love about what you’re doing is you’re using the eyes, you’re using the nose, you’re using the mouth, you’re using the anus, like your suppositories are incredible. Can you talk about why those are incredible two ways to get detox supplements or detox nutrients into your body?
Dr. John Lieurance
Yeah, well, there’s two really interesting reasons with the, you know, with the suppository route of administration. One is that you’re bypassing all of the digestive enzymes and stomach acid, which really is can be very harsh on a lot of substances. And then you have this what’s called first pass through the liver, which is the liver like filters. And that really breaks a lot of nutrients down sometimes. So drastic, like with melatonin, it literally breaks it down, where you only get about one and a half percent absorption. And the other thing with an oral route of delivery, which is going to be the similar similar type of thing with an IV, is that you only have a certain window, that the nutrients are available to the cell, because ultimately, the goal is to get the nutrient into the cells where it can do some work for you. Right. And so the cell is constantly kind of feeling for what’s outside in the in the in the medium outside the cell, and pulling in what it what it can, right. And so if you take something and there’s there’s something called Peak plasma, which is really a fancy word for saying, How long have substances outside of the cell available to the cell, right? Most times, that’s only about an hour. So if we were to take most supplements in a pill form, we’ll have an hour or less, where the cell has that available where it can start pulling it in. And the cell has a rate that it can pull things in, it’s generally very slow. So if you were able to have that peak plasma lasts for five, six or seven hours, you can see that the cell would ultimately absorb a lot more of that nutrient. And that’s what a suppository also gives you so not only do you avoid that first pass, but you’re also getting this very long release, where you have the slow bleed into the bloodstream, where you get this long opportunity for the cells to actually pull those nutrients in.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, I 1,000% agree with what you just said. Largely because I’m seeing I’ve we’ve detoxed using supplements 1000s of people. And lately I’ve been getting some more. I don’t want to call them extreme detox cases, but cases where there’s a lot going on toxic load wise and when we use your suppositories, and we I always joke and say when we come in the back door, and we use suppositories, we get better results. Like, literally, it’s crazy. And people have to get past this idea that you know, suppositories are awkward, because for detox, they’re magical.
Dr. John Lieurance
Well, one thing too, is like some of the most amazing nutrients that I found clinically, especially working with fasting, because we do a lot of fasting. I mean, you want to detox, want to look at fasting, and I know you’re a big proponent with that as well. And what you’re really doing when you’re fasting is you’re cleaning up cells, and some of the most important things to clean up or senescence cells, which are these zombie cells, right. So something called senolytics, which Pfizer, 10 and sterile still being quesiton, resveratrol. A lot of these are like these very colorful poly phenols. From plants. They’re not well absorbed. In fact, I mean, we just did a curcumin IV on a patient that requested it. And at the same time, we gave them a suppository of something called lucid tall. And this lucid tall is packed full of all of these poly phenols that are senolytics. So I created a whole fasting protocol, basically surrounding that one product because it’s so important and so beneficial to add a senolytics at the time that you’re fasting. Now you can do this just on intermittent fasting. So let’s say what our Yeah, yeah, I mean, let’s say you’re skipping, you’re skipping breakfast. You could take a loose towel in the morning, right? And then you could take it before bed because you’re fasting at night and it would probably even carry through a little bit that next morning. If you’re doing a 24 hour or a three or four day fast, you can take the product to three times a day if you want, and you’re gonna get this really important senolytics effect that I think can make a situation where you’re gonna get more out of the fast than if you were where it would be like doing a longer fast.
Dr. Mindy
And when you say more out in the fast like, we get this question all the time, people are like, how do I get more autophagy? How do I get rid of more of these senescence cells? Are you saying you’re gonna get wipe away more senescence cells?
Dr. John Lieurance
Well, there’s so senolytics That’s what they do. Great. So they take in just by themselves, if you’re, if you’re still eating, you’re actually going to clear senescence cells by just taking these substances based on the research. So what we what we propose, we don’t recommend, we actually will have peep we recommend, here at our office dosing, different supplements based on the whole mTOR pathways, right, where it’s like, either feast or famine, like for instance, NAD is a better product to give to patients when they’re eating when they’re an eating window. Right. Oh, interesting. And these anti inflammatories are better to take with the fasting windows, right? So another really interesting molecule that we’ve been having just amazing results with here in the clinic is methylene. Blue.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, talk about that. Because I’m like, on social media, I’m seeing people like, show up with IVs, that like, are like liquid blue. And then I think you’re talking about your Luma tall blue product. I don’t know if that’s the same one. I know that we’ve experimented with that with some of the patients I’ve been working with. So talk about why that’s so important.
Dr. John Lieurance
Well, so we initially launched Luma, tall blue as a as a 60 milligram and a 300 milligram suppository. And what we’ve done and we were having people cut the 300 milligrams repository, so that they could take it orally. And what that gave you is about a 75 milligram dose. And so what we’ve done is we just launched what’s called the bar, the ilimitado bar, which makes it a lot easier to break it into pieces, and you can either take 40 milligram, 80 milligram or, you know, you can cut it into whatever amount you want. And the Frank Gonzalez Lima is kind of considered one of them foremost with methylene blue and any interview you can listen to online from him, I would highly recommend it. It’s really amazing to to hear all of the things that methylene blue has been researched with. And it’s similar to melatonin, you know, and if anybody’s read my book on melatonin, you see like, there’s a chapter on almost every disease. It’s
Dr. Mindy
so well laid out. By the way, John, like when I got it, I was like, wow, like you. It’s not just the information. It’s the layout of it, the organization. So well done.
Dr. John Lieurance
Okay, thank you. Yeah, well, I have an ebook on methylene. Blue as well. So we can make that available to you be awesome listeners, and even do like a coupon, we’ll do the coupon code Monday. Normally, it’s like nine bucks or something like that. But we can do a free giveaway for that. Thank you appreciate it. But so we know we’re talking about how the body can heal itself, right? It just runs out of gas, it runs out of energy. And so things that can improve cellular energy like NAD, like melatonin, and like, now we’re talking about methylene blue, I really don’t think that there’s something stronger out there than methylene blue that can do that. And besides ramping up cellular energy methylene blue has been shown to be antiviral and in fact, the first use of it was against malaria and and other and other parasites it’s been shown to be helpful for and it leaves the body relatively unharmed, which is why there’s a doctor or lackey you know, you’ve heard of or lackey go infection that that infection was named after this scientist or lackey. And so he actually won the Nobel Prize was very well known in the late 1800s. He coined the term magic bullet and he was actually referring to methylene blue. Interesting because it has so many profound effects. It’s neuro protectant. In other words, they’ve done studies showing that if you have methylene blue on board, and you have some sort of neurological insult like a stroke or you have a TBI or something like that, it’s it protects the nerves from from being injured. If you have a heart attack and you have methylene blue on board, it’s incredibly protective. In fact, every hospital has it in case there’s signs And I was listening because it protects the cell, because it allows yourself to actually make energy independent of oxygen. And, and so a lot of these poisons rob the cell of oxygen, and that’s how they’ll kill you.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. And is methylene blue a plant? Like where? What’s the original source of it?
Dr. John Lieurance
So methylene blue is actually made synthetically, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a salt. Okay. And I’m not normally a fan of things that are not completely natural, you know. And, like, melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone. And this is different, though. I mean, it’s we’re talking about, like 150 years of them making different molecules. And this was literally the first synthetic drug ever approved by the FDA. The patents run out, so you don’t hear about a lot, because, you know, there’s not a lot of money in companies to promote it. But But there’s nothing that is work like this, because literally, when methylene blue gets into the mitochondria, which is what it has a great affinity for, it just goes and soaks right into your mitochondria. And that’s why it’s good for staining things that are like the brain, or like there was a there was a there’s a surgery where they they remove the thymus gland when there’s like, disease of the thymus, and they give an IV methylene blue, and then they can see it really well. Right. So there’s a lot of effects for that. So it goes to heart tissue and nerve tissue, and any tissues that Verrett that’s very metabolically active, because it goes into the mitochondria. And then once it gets into the mitochondria, it up regulates all four complexes. So in the mitochondria, you have four kind of stations that the that the energy is being produced. So it goes to the first one, the second one, the third one into the fourth one is called the cytochrome. And cytochrome is cell and Chrome is is light, right? So this fourth stage is really interesting, because you can actually put light into the cell in the in the sense of photons with like red lights, and near infrared light, which penetrates the bass. So if you combine the methylene blue with a red light, you’re gonna get a really nice enhancement. In all of those four stations. In fact, it’s going to be somewhere in the neighborhood about 110% upregulation of energy.
Dr. Mindy
So you, you would want to do your Luma tall blue suppository in front of your red light is what I just heard.
Dr. John Lieurance
Yeah, so the Depository is, is something that’s going to have a long, slow release. So that’s probably something you’d want to do a good 30 to 45 minutes before you would get into any in front of any red light, or in your sauna or going out into the sun. Oral route is probably going to be a little bit better. We had talked about this scientist, Lima, Dr. Lima, and his his thoughts on the best way to take methylene blue is that when it’s mixed with the stomach acid, it works really well. In fact, that might be a great way to do it. It’s very convenient. He did not feel that the sublingual route was a very effective way and that the dosage on a lot of the sublingual available sublingual products wasn’t really high enough. And so what what we what we like is this suspension palm oil that is thrown in the back of the throat and then you drink down, so your mouth doesn’t turn blue. So a lot of people don’t like that. You know that some people who work in their mouth?
Dr. Mindy
Yes, it’s not a good luck. Let me tell you, I’ve experimented with that look before. So So here’s what I hear. And everything you’re saying is that each nutrient has a different way it will be absorbed into the body. And we can’t just this is why you’ve come at this from so many different angles is that we’ve got to know the nutrient know what we’re trying to accomplish? And then decide is it going in the nose? Is it going in the eyes? Is it going in the mouth? Is it going to be a suppository and and experiment with the different entry points into the body? Because the gut isn’t always the best way. Am I thinking this through? Right?
Dr. John Lieurance
Right? Exactly. Well, the the, for any type of quantity of nutrients, you’re going to want to first look at, you know, I would say a suppository may be even better than an IV, right? Because unless you’re hooked up to an IV with a slow drip for 567 hours, you’re not going to have that long peak plasma which really favors cellular absorption, right? So then when you start looking at like nasal sprays, there’s only so much you can spit wrap your nose, right? I mean, so nasal sprays can be really good for absorption, especially if you’re looking at for something neurologically, you know, like, like, we have an NAD nasal spray, you know, and that’s, that’s probably one of our more popular products. And, but if you’re looking for like full body systemic absorption of NAD versus neurologic, then I would look more towards the neuro neuro NAD suppository, or the I’m sorry, the newer Mac’s repository. Right.
Dr. Mindy
So it’s so if I wanted to have more of a brain effect, then I would want to use more of a nasal spray. Whereas if I wanted more of a systemic effect, then a suppository would be better. Right. Right. That makes perfect sense. na de is really trendy right now. Oh, my gosh, I feel like I’m hearing NAD drips everywhere. What what what do we need to know about NAD? Because it’s, it’s expensive. Like, you know, you if you’re going to jump into it, you need to know what you’re doing?
Dr. John Lieurance
Well, we we were probably one of the first clinics to start doing IVs. I went to, I think it was in 2005. I went to San Diego and attended one of the first summits on NAD. And it was really a lot of the science on NAD really came from addiction clinics, because they found that a lot of these addicts, when they gave them an ad, they would be more social, they weren’t happier, it was a lot easier for them to maintain their sobriety. And so a lot of that information started to get out into the, you know, to the alternative medical circles. And so we were we were literally charging
Dr. Mindy
I was gonna say, at that dosage. I be curious how they’re feeling?
Dr. John Lieurance
Yeah, well, you have to adjust the drip rate so that they can handle it, but there’s still you want to they’re gonna have a little bit of symptoms. So you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re losing your day, you’re uncomfortable. You’re it’s expensive. And so that’s why I think the suppository route is so much more. I mean, I yesterday I had a patient come in and asked me if I would run an NAD IV on them. And they were, you know, we charge 1000 to do this drip, and I dissuaded them from it. And I suggested that they go ahead and start with the NAD Max. Because Mindy, if you think about it, this is something you can do three times a day, for like two months, right? You can really top off your NAD levels, and then you can maintain it very easily that way. And depositories are such an No, it’s like it’s no big deal. It takes less than they do. You don’t even know it’s there. Yeah, turn into an oil. And you got that slow release and each depository of the neuro NAD, I’m sorry, NAD Max as 500 milligrams of NAD and then 250 milligrams of both precursors. Because there’s a lot of controversy. I mean, some of the top experts with NAD, even say that you’re wasting your time even doing an NAD IV because they don’t think the NAD is actually getting into the cell. And that has to be a precursor, like nm N or N R in order to make some sort of conversion to get into the cell. So what I’ve done is I’ve just kind of put them all together. And you know, we’re getting some really good, you know, responses here in the clinic and a lot of reports from people and our practitioners,
Dr. Mindy
I have to tell a funny story about the first time I met you. And I don’t I don’t think I told this the last time because I think I told them Zen spray, but then I was so I love what you’re up to I call you a wizard. You’re like, you’re like a wizard with all this stuff. And I just geek out on all the different ways you’re taking these unique substances and getting them into the body. So we were in a hallway, I don’t know if you remember this, and you were like, I think you might have given me a Luma tall blue and you’re like, hey, this repository, you’re like, try this. And I want to test everything on myself. So I was like, Okay, I go to the bathroom, I put it in, and then I sit down at the conference. And I turned to Jessica and I’m like, Hey, I just gotta give you a little heads up. Like, John just gave me something. So if something weird happens to be the next couple hours, I just went all in.
Dr. John Lieurance
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that’s how I roll. You know, people. You know, I travel a lot. And, you know, at least a week or so. I just got back from a two week vacation actually. And, and, you know, it’s like if you catch me in the beginning of my trip, I have a lot of product to hand it out. I’ve been fortunate enough to be, you know, hanging out with some pretty amazing people. In fact, last week and I was in Dallas, treating Dana White, who is the CEO and one of the owners of UFC. That’s awesome. And I’ve been doing these balloons on Dana, right. It’s like the fourth treatment that I’ve done on him. And, and he made this comment to me, Mindy, afterwards, he said, this is one of the most, one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life, because he couldn’t breathe through his nose. This is this is a new book that I’ve got coming out soon, and it’s on endo nasal balloon manipulations. I think we could do a whole podcast on it. Yeah, it’s it’s, it’s it’s it’s this idea of expanding the nasal passage and opening up these cranial plates so that you can have a better movement of cranial rhythm and this flushing of cerebral spinal fluid that kind of keeps the brain and spinal cord healthy is really, really important. It gets jammed up, and a lot of people become mouth breathers because they can’t breathe their nose. Amazing. I wrote a whole book about this. And I’m really excited about it. And actually, when so when I was with Dana, I knew that Mike Tyson was going to be at the fight that night. And he had invited me to go. And so I made a comment to him. I said, you know, what do you think? Do you think Mike would do this treatment? And he said, Oh, yeah, he said, I’ll mention something to him. And they sat me literally like two seats away from Mike Tyson. So I’m like sitting there. And I’ve got Mike Tyson to the right of me, I have Jason Witten from the Dallas Cowboys behind him and all these like, crazy famous people. And I’m not really into the violence of fighting, but I could really appreciate what I sensed is these these these fighters going into this complete now moment, and almost being in some sort of a spiritual bliss? You know, in the middle of the ring there. And so that was kind of what I was vibing. But, yeah, fascinating. So did you pull
Dr. Mindy
out your nasal? Did you just turn the mic and sticks up his nose?
Dr. John Lieurance
Well, you know, I didn’t want to I’m gonna let Dana kind of run on that, you know, because I don’t want to be like a salesman. But I would have said something to him. If there was a situation that felt like there was a flow, and I missed my opportunity. Because I was doing a selfie. I had my camera out in front of me. And literally, while you watch this little clip, you see Mike Tyson walking behind me, he moves me out of the way, right? And then in this little selfie, I said, Put this on Instagram, by the way. So if anybody wants to go see this, they can go to my Instagram at Dr. Mike doesn’t Instagram, and I move out of the way and I’m like, I just got ran over by Mike Tyson.
Dr. Mindy
It was so fun. Do you know. So when I was growing up, I always say that my mom was like, ahead of our time, like, every thing that she did with us was natural. And one of the things was when we were sick, we would get in the car and go to the chiropractor and get adjusted. And his name was Dr. Akers. And he would do the nna. Like, the worst thing would be like you’d see him pull that nasal thing out. And you’d be like, Oh, no, here it comes. You know, I was like seven years old. And, and he would do it up my nose, like put the air up my nose. It was horribly painful. But then your cold was gone. Like it was just gone in that one treatment. So you knew what the end result was great. But it’s crazy therapy.
Dr. John Lieurance
Yeah, well, you know, and that really makes a lot of sense, I think for our discussion today. And why would you get better if you because it always starts in the night nasal passage, right? A lot of colds and viruses and bacterial infections that starts here. And then it will seed down and it can get into your lungs and upper respiratory tract, or it can get into your gut and then it goes systemic, right. So that’s why I love having something like the gluteus dat in my medicine cabinet or in my car anywhere. Because you know, as soon as you start to feel that and traveling is like I wouldn’t travel without some sort of antimicrobial nasal spray. Because if you got healthy it, everything really works really well. So when you had that balloon inflation, he changed you from that swampy to a revery state, and it just flushed everything out.
Dr. Mindy
Amazing. Amazing. Well, the last thing I want to talk about is something that’s actually on detox that I’ve been thinking a lot about, you know you and Ben and pomp and I was all strongly believe in cycling detox and I’ve been trying to figure out how we would cycle detox to a woman’s hormones because what I know is when hormones come in very strongly, that that’s actually a natural detox for a lot of women because they’ll it will release toxins from the tissues. Do you see that there’s a proper time to time detox around a woman’s horn. Have you ever thought about that or experimented with that?
Dr. John Lieurance
Well, um, you know, I think methylation could be an important conversation to have through processes where there’s more hormones, because that’s one of the primary ways we kind of clear our hormones, right. It’s a detox pathway. I think that oftentimes, I think blood sugar really plays a big role with a lot of hormonal problems. And so you know, when you start to get into fasting, you start to have such a powerful regulation to those blood sugar issues and insulin resistance, which then leads to that whole host of hormonal concerns. So we look at that very carefully. As far as like actually staging like, when would you do like an extended fast? Was that more of your question?
Dr. Mindy
Yeah. And I know around faster, more and more interested in like, when we go in with some of these things that are going to create a little more of a detox reaction like an NA, like, I’ve seen the Luma tal blue, create a little bit of a detox reaction and some of my patients, so I don’t I purposely don’t put it in when I know the hormone like during ovulation or the week before their period, because there’s too much going on then.
Dr. John Lieurance
Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. Yeah. And then we might look at something like the methyl Max, I know Dr. Pompe and I kind of work together to formulate that one product. And those are also nutrients that are very poorly absorbed orally, you know, your B vitamins, your folic acid, there’s a whole bunch of other nutrients in there that really don’t get absorbed very well. And that methyl Max, I find, in combination with NAD to be a really nice combination for for a lot of different situations. But especially if you’re looking for a high kind of a better brain function, or you’re looking to have a day where you need to perform a little bit better. Or if you’re looking to enhance kind of that phase of detox with methylation.
Dr. Mindy
Yeah, I love that, you know, what I want to do is what fast like a girl will come out in December, and we’re looking once you understand the principles of hormones, you can time food and fasting. But I’d love to look at your products and go okay, how do we time all these cool suppository sprays? Can we come in to help a woman create more estrogen? And then can we use a different product to help clear the estrogen at a different part of her cycle? For women, I feel like that is the direction healthcare needs to go. Because we’re in this crazy modern world that we’re like an evolutionary mismatch to living in this chaotic space on this planet that we are. So I love what you’re up to. And I’m thinking, how do we use it to support a woman’s natural cycle? And I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about that. But I’d love to geek out on it with
Dr. John Lieurance
you. Well, you know, what comes to me, as you know, with all the wearable technology, you know, if there could be a device that could detect your hormone levels, give you like, you know, and then you could program it to give you suggestions on Oh, it’s time to methylate, you know, you just did two or three days of hardcore dumping of hormones, you know, let’s clear those out. I think it’s really next level thought for us. Yeah,
Dr. Mindy
I’ve asked several hormone experts how we could create that. And everybody is a little unsure. Now, I will tell you what we’re doing with fast like a girls, we’re gonna create an app where we can start to time all of this for women, so they can I understand because most women are hormonal. Everybody’s hormone illiterate, except for those of us in the business. So it’s a really interesting concept that I think the time is now for women to understand that, where do we come in with these? And where do we back off on this stuff? So I think you’re, I think you’re the guy that solve that, that problem for me.
Dr. John Lieurance
Let’s do it together. I love it. You bring a lot to the table. And I’m so respect all the knowledge that you’ve got when it comes to women’s health.
Dr. Mindy
That Thank you appreciate it. Awesome. Well, let me finish up on this on this thought that I think you were with me last year. So this this season with the resetter podcast, we’ve been focused on gratitude. Do you? I’m curious if you have a gratitude practice that you do every day? And if it if it is, what is it? And then you know, we’ve gotten into this place where we have been just bitching and moaning about pandemic and politics and I really want to highlight what people are grateful for. Is there anything that you’re immensely grateful for right now?
Dr. John Lieurance
Well, yeah, I got a lot a lot of things that I’m immensely grateful for and you know, right now, I’m grateful to be here talking to you and to be able to have the opportunity to reach out to all these 1000s of people that are in your your your listenership. And, you know, I I’m finding more and more that You know, getting out of that place of wanting things, right? You it’s like the idea of desire, like, we want this, we want that. And then this idea of prayer, right? Where we’re petitioning. You know, may I have this man have that. And it kind of goes back to I think the original Aramaic Bible, and Yeshua was teachings with, with with gratitude, right and where you’re, you’re, you’re grateful for already receiving this this this gift, right? And so when we’re when we’re desiring something, this is basically putting out to the universe that there’s lack. And it really makes sense, right? You want something? It means you don’t have it? Yep. So you’re sending lack out to the universe versus if you go into gratitude for already receiving it. And I this is a little shift, because your your question was more of like, No, I love this be grateful for what we have. Yes. But let’s also be grateful for what we want. Right? But then you shouldn’t even say it that way. Right? It’s like, because that’s one thing. Let’s be grateful for what we’re going to receive in the future.
Dr. Mindy
You know, everything that I’ve studied on Law of Attraction, and you introduced me to Rhonda Byrne, and I’m so grateful for that, for that interview, is that there is a an intention you set of this is how I’d like life to show up, then there is a releasing of that. Yeah, and not being attached to it knowing it’s going to show up. You just don’t know how. And if I go to the feeling like what do I want to feel every day I set an intention on what how I want to feel, sometimes it’s joy. Sometimes it’s connection. Sometimes it’s playfulness. But I’m more interested in how I want to feel throughout the day, then manipulating the circumstances in my life. I feel like when we do that it’s much more it’s easier to be grateful.
Dr. John Lieurance
Yeah. And you know, I think our true nature is happiness and love. No, it’s like bliss, this is who we are. And it’s in that now moment that that exists. And our mind is what gets in the way. Because the minds either on in something in the future in the past, right. But the mind can never be in the current now moment. And that’s, that’s really some of the work that I’m really focused on. I was actually with Rhonda, not last weekend, but she was one of the people that I went to go visit. And she literally took me to her teacher. And such such she
Dr. Mindy
doesn’t say who he is, or her
Dr. John Lieurance
or her it doesn’t see people anymore. Yeah, she was interested in receiving the balloons. So it was a really, really rare opportunity. And I was able to take a friend as well. And it was, it was profound. Because these are people living in what we’re talking about right now is one thing, because it’s all intellectual. But to bring that in and just completely own, that you are happiness that you are love and to remove all desire, where you’re just, and it doesn’t mean that you can’t, you can’t have something that you think about but you think about it, you let it go. And then it just the universe just pulls it right into your life. So you can you can have whatever you want. Yeah, since you just you wind up wanting less, really because you don’t need it. Because you’re in set. You’re so full, without people places and things and so forth. You know,
Dr. Mindy
you know, one of my favorite quotes is nothing fails, like success. And why I love that quote is I think once you see that you have everything that you need. Your desires really change. And it’s because you know that there’s nothing you need to feel amazing. You can just feel amazing right now. So yeah, I love that. I love that. And next time you go to visit Rhonda, I want to come. So that’s what want to be on the invite list for that. So
Dr. John Lieurance
I’m going in September, so
Dr. Mindy
I’ll be down in LA actually middle of September. So if you happen to get that time.
Dr. John Lieurance
Yeah, that’s about it. Let’s conversate off.
Dr. Mindy
I would love that. I love it. Love that. So how do people find you? So that you can get all these products if they choose to?
Dr. John Lieurance
Yeah, so our store is my toes. n.com mit oze N. My Instagram is Dr. Spelled out mitosis n and we have a clinic in Sarasota, Florida. It’s advanced rejuvenation.us And that’s it.
Dr. Mindy
Beautiful, beautiful and I’m gonna I’m gonna hold you accountable to take all your products and time until a woman’s hormones so we I want to make sure we connect on that before fast like a girl comes out because I think that would be so helpful for people. So yeah. All right. Love it. Appreciate you, John. Thank you as always, you’ve just elevated my thoughts and opened my heart. So thank you for your time today. Appreciate
Dr. John Lieurance
Are you welcome Andy thank you as well grateful for you
Dr. Mindy
yeah me too back atcha appreciate you
- Feel the impact of Organifi – use code PELZ for a discount on all products!
- EP 77: Dr. John Lieurance: Melatonin’s Magic on your hormones
- EP 93: Rhonda Byrne: The secret to lasting happiness
- Sinus Spray
- Ire Eye Formula
- Methylene Blue
- Ebook – Coupon code MINDY
- Fast Like A Girl